Conversation Between Cyanist and SuperSabin

185 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'll start reading right away! Thanks!
  2. Hey remember those stories I told you I wrote since you've left? I only have written 2 chapters so there isn't that much to catch up on, but if you'd like to check them out here's the link.
  3. Wow, sounds like you've been keeping busy, eh? Awesome as usual.

    Things are good with the family. haven't been getting much sleep lately due to the antics of my ma, but she doesn't know she's imposing and I'd rather not make a stink about such trifles and it's not like I'd be getting any GOOD sleep anyway, since I've been having nightmares with different-colored cockroaches in them lately. Pretty unsettling. My little brother keeps bragging about a dream he had where he got to beat up an army of teletubbys. What a lucky guy T_T
  4. Hey Cyanista, how've you been? haven't talked to you in awhile. I see you've been repping me haha. I'm doing well, been preparing for graduation in which my ceremony takes place next month, i'm also job hunting, and gaming. Been playing FFXII and i started another game of Famicom Detective Club gaming wise. Anything new going on with yourself? hows the family?
  5. Night then.
  6. welp i think its getting a bit too late for me, nice talking to you i gotta get to sleep now... heh
  7. Yeah, the bros are working on that. They say they'll buy some sort of satellite or something... That's assuming they finish the kooky project they're working on now, it looks like a garage...

    I'm almost finished with 'Shadow Of The Colossus' I'm on the last foe now, already climbed his skirt thingy, but I can't figure out how to get from his hands to his shoulders... I guess after I'm done with this I'll start FF-13 <_<
  8. dang, that sucks that your internet stuff is all restrictive. if you were over wi-fi this wouldn't be a problem haha. oh well i suppose. it was a song i really liked from that game.
  9. Weeeell, unfortunately my brother has used up all our data for this month downloading the ISO for RPG Maker so we could emulate it on our PC. So, yeah, I can't watch that, I'll take the link and hoard it until next month, tho.

    My sagely little brother tells me boredom is good for people (awakens creativity and all taht) so I'll be okay. Just waiting until my other brother wakes up so I can watch more 'Breaking Bad: season 2' which he's forbidden me to continue without him -_-
  10. i'm sorry you're so bored, heres something to take away that boredom Tales of phantasia - PSX - original track - fighting of the spirit - YouTube
  11. That's sooo not fair. If I asked you which breakfast cereal you liked best, you wouldn't choose the sample pack, wouldya? ah, whatever, I'm bored.

    Hmm, I liked Kefka's laugh, it's kinda hard to replicate in real life, tho. >_>

    Argh, I'm so hungry because I didn't make enough meatloaf for dinner, but I must'nt touch the Maple Walnut Ice Cream, that would be... not good...
  12. Gah... to ask a FFVI fan that haha too many of them are good! I would have to say the ending theme because it started with a nice medley of all the character themes and then it climaxed into something else for the next part and at the very end it played the main theme of final fantasy. even though it was a 18 minute song (yeah it was that long) it was pretty well done.

    EDIT: correction, 21 minutes and 30 seconds
  13. Whoa, well looky who's going places! Well done, my lad, well done! My sis still isn't done with school, says she's decided not to enter the military, and instead wants to get her bachelor's degree. (if a person is female, shouldn't that be changed to 'old maid's' degree or something?)

    Well, I managed fine with just one... besides, I wanted to use my Relic slots for 'other' things (like Golden Hairpins and earrings, the Sneak ring to up Locke's steal success rate, and of course I'd never be able to finish the game without using Sprint shoes) ^_^
    What was your favorite music in that game? (I liked Zozo)
  14. Nothing really eh?

    Well, I don't know if you know but I am graduating from tech school. I also took my certification exams and got hardware and software certified back in March. I've found a new form of entertainment, watching youtube videos with auto-caption. Posted some funny stuff related to FFX about it which I haven't gotten any feedback but I did get a like from haha.

    Gameplay wise, i am playing through the following: Final Fantasy V, Link's Awakening DX, and Ys: The Oath in Felghana. I finished FFVI like you did recently. I had some preparing to do first with the grinding and all. (did you know you can receive more exp/growth eggs in that game?)
  15. Nothin, I ate a bug yesterday. He was on my donut. The taste was not unpleasant... whatever =_='

    I'm bored, been playing a GameCube game on the Wii. 'Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem' it's rated M, but seems pretty boring so far. Did I mention I was bored?
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