Conversation Between Mindu and Assassin

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Same here, I also only get to come online on weekends.
    My username, well its from the t.v show SUPERNATURAL. You can google supernatural and then you'll know about my username
  2. Yeah, it's a nice little place. It doesn't seem as active as some FF message boards used to be, but it suits me more cause I only really have time to post at weekends and haven't missed much. TFF has got me playing FF games again in any case, I hadn't played any of them for a while.
    Where does your username come from?
  3. Your welcome. Hey, thanks for the friend request.
    So, do you like the forums so far?
  4. Thanks
  5. Hey, Welcome to TFF . I hope you have a great time over here
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5