I would say FFX, I really love everything about it, not one complaint I also really enjoyed FFVII and FFVIII. what are the reasons you like those ones?
FFIX and FFXII, equally but for different reasons. If I had to pick only one it would be IX. How about you?
oh, okay good to know! what is your favorite final fantasy game?
About 2/3 days lol, feels longer though. By the way, there is a 'join date' on the top right in the 'Mini Statistics' box =)
okay, thank you! anyway, how long have you been here?
From my understanding you reply on the person's page, not yours. There is a 'view your conversation with [insert someone's name]' right above the text box =)
sorry, really new to this, do I reply to you here? or on my page?
Welcome again, and no problem =)
Glad to meet you! *high five for being the same age back!* thanks for welcoming me