Conversation Between Chocobo_Lover17 and Vogue Star

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I feel the same! I loved the characters, the story, the battle system, upgrading..everything! I have played it so many times its not even funny, it made me cry, and that is hard for a game to do, I also never want it to end everytime I play it..and don't worry, your secret is save with me
  2. Everything! I've never felt so involved in a FF game in all my life. I found the characters were so much more real, and the story completely broke my heart<3. It made such an impact on me that 5 years ago I started writing fanfiction about it. I am currently writing a novelisation of FFX on but I haven't updated in a while as University has taken over my life Annnnd, I also have the tiniest crush on Tidus... but don't tell anyone, hehe
  3. Awesome! what do you like about it??
  4. You're welcome. FFX is my fave too
  5. Thank You so much for welcoming me
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