Conversation Between Chocobo_Lover17 and Judge Magistrate

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks, see yeah.
  2. alright, you can message me when your back on if you want, I would like that
  3. Seriously, that's exactly how I felt. I've got to go for today so I'll see you later.
  4. I'm sorry to hear that, that would make me very mad as well, especially because I am pretty stubborn about my beliefs and such, I can't ever tolerate people telling me my way of thinking is wrong, it infuriates me to no end. I try to stay out of religions because of that..
  5. About how uncatholic I was and whatnot. I was very insulted and degraded by it, and I'm not completely over it. He was completely in the wrong and I don't really understand.
  6. oh? about what? if you don't mind me asking..
  7. Yeah, I'm a Catholic, and I had a rough "talk" with my preist.
  8. I'm really sorry to hear that..I am here if you need someone to talk to about it, I am a great listener
  9. I've been kinda emotionally scarred this week. I've been trying to rough it out though.
  10. Yay! so exciting! haha, how are you?
  11. And here I am, dun dun dunnnnn.
  12. alright, sleep well! message me when your on again eh?
  13. Massachusetts is beautiful, the weather is usually very mild. Snow in the winter adds a beautiful setting to the holiday season, and the summer allows you enjoy summer fun like pools and vacations. I would love to have a water view, my dream house has a water view. I've got to go now, so I'll talk to you later, probably tomorrow. I'm ready to go to bed.
  14. I wish I could I don't know when I would have the money for it..what's it like there? its pretty beautiful here, but, since I live in the Northern part of California, its pretty cold and foggy, lots of redwood tree's rivers and creeks though, plus, I live next to a bay, which is beautiful, but windy!

    also, D'aww your sweet, so nice of you to offer that <3
  15. I like good listeners, I'm a good listener to so if you need me I'm here. Also, you should come and visit, I love Massachusetts, and California is an awesome state. My friend would visit there and send me postcards made from pictures they took.
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