Will Do Gonna go look at it right now!
Ahhh, Cool Hey, Did You See My Art Thread Yet? If Not, You Should. Tell Me What You Think.
Awesome, I really enjoy FFX the best ( I am actually playing that right now.) and I would say that 2nd would be a tie between FFVII and FFVIII. 3rd would have to be FFXIII
My Favorite FF? Hmm....I Like Almost All Of Them To Be Honest. But I Think I Preffer FFVII The Most So Far. FFXII And FFX Are Tied For Second At The Moment. FFXIII I Still Have To Play Through It, But So Far It Ties With FFVII.
well, now that I think about it, I suppose it was your replies to posts that I saw, about FFXIII and such, what is your favorite FF by the way?
Ahh, I See. Which Posts Did You Like That Were Mine?
Awesome! Yeah, you seem pretty cool, I have seen a few of your posts, that is why I added you
I'm Glad You Feel That Way I Got Lots Of Friends Here, And They All Like Family To Me, So Yeah ^_^
Glad to hear it! and yes, I definitely am! I love it here, its really welcoming and kind of like one big happy family <3
I'm Good, Thanks For Asking You Enjoying The Forums?
Hi There Not much, how are you?
Hey Chocobo Lover17 Whats Up?