Conversation Between Chocobo_Lover17 and Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Will Do Gonna go look at it right now!
  2. Ahhh, Cool Hey, Did You See My Art Thread Yet? If Not, You Should. Tell Me What You Think.
  3. Awesome, I really enjoy FFX the best ( I am actually playing that right now.) and I would say that 2nd would be a tie between FFVII and FFVIII. 3rd would have to be FFXIII
  4. My Favorite FF? Hmm....I Like Almost All Of Them To Be Honest. But I Think I Preffer FFVII The Most So Far. FFXII And FFX Are Tied For Second At The Moment. FFXIII I Still Have To Play Through It, But So Far It Ties With FFVII.
  5. well, now that I think about it, I suppose it was your replies to posts that I saw, about FFXIII and such, what is your favorite FF by the way?
  6. Ahh, I See. Which Posts Did You Like That Were Mine?
  7. Awesome! Yeah, you seem pretty cool, I have seen a few of your posts, that is why I added you
  8. I'm Glad You Feel That Way I Got Lots Of Friends Here, And They All Like Family To Me, So Yeah ^_^
  9. Glad to hear it! and yes, I definitely am! I love it here, its really welcoming and kind of like one big happy family <3
  10. I'm Good, Thanks For Asking You Enjoying The Forums?
  11. Hi There Not much, how are you?
  12. Hey Chocobo Lover17 Whats Up?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12