Conversation Between The_Dream_Recluse and Squall

92 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy birthday bro, hope you're doing alright
  2. Thanks

    Haha yeah hopefully she will have fun
  3. Well happy birthday to your mother And that sounds nice of you guys to do that for her.
  4. Nah nothing much really. My mum's birthday is today but she's working for most of the day which sucks. My sisters and i are thinking of taking her out tonight tho so that should be good
  5. Agreed. So what's life been like on your end these days? Anything new to report?
  6. That's good then at least you can stay in contact And yeah so long as he is pursuing his ambitions then that's good
  7. It's not too bad. As long as he's happy doing what he wants, I'm fine. Of course I'd rather him have out of harms way but I'm fortunate enough to keep in contact with him on a pretty regular basis.
  8. Aw that sucks, but at least you have a whole month to spend time with him
  9. No this is only for about a month that he'll be home. Then, he goes back to where he is stationed and waits until he receives word on where he's going next. I'll probably know where that is around December or so.
  10. Oh that's good news! It will be good for you to have some quality time with your brother

    Is he staying home permanently or does he have to return to duty soon?
  11. I'm doing pretty good myself actually. Excited that my brother is coming home from the military in less than two weeks
  12. Hey man, yeah i've been alright just been busy sorting shit out. Hope you are well
  13. Sup bro? Haven't talked to you in a couple of weeks. Hope all is well!
  14. Hahah i'm playing on a PSP though. Those tiny buttons....

    Yeah, that part freaked me out too. Just walked in and was like "What the hell?!" Sent shivers down my spine, especially the music.
  15. Button mashing, my friend. lol. As for the part that freaked me out when I was younger: Gray Fox's slaughtering of the genome solider's in the nuclear warhead storage building. He's my favorite character from the game but man that did rattle me a bit.
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