Conversation Between The_Dream_Recluse and NikkiLinkle

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks mate xD
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. Hey, yeah i'm alright how have you been?

    Thank you muchly, hope the New Year brings you happiness and fortune
  4. How you doin?' Hope you had a happy new year.
  5. Haha yeah sounds good

    Yeah, i'm alright, nothing important to report.
  6. Hi to you! I'm well thanks. I'm just on my home from work. So glad it's Friday. I'm so tired. Gonna just relax it up all weekend

    How are you?
  7. Hey Nikki, haven't spoken to you in a while so i thought i would say hi

    Hope you are well
  8. Hahaha that's fair enough, everyone is entitled to their own opinion

    I just don't really like Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard.
  9. I HATE Tony Abbot! He's such a douche. But we don't actually have anyone decent to vote for do we? I voted for KRudd, I thought JGill would be alright, but she's starting to slip. I'm not into politics, but I know a f**k nob when I see one
  10. Hey not bad, yourself?

    Yeah it was freezing last night! I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. I live out at Peak Crossing, but i usually stay at my dad's house at Flinders View for the weekend once every few weeks. Aw true that sucks about your unit At least you and your boyfriend didn't get hurt.

    Nah, we were lucky we didn't get affected at all, apart from the power being cut for a while. But we didn't go under so that was good.
  11. Hello. How are you going?

    It's pretty cold tonight. Whereabouts near Ipswich do you live? I live around Redbank Plains. I used to live in Goodna, but the unit I lived in got completely annihalated in the floods. Did you get affected at all?
  12. Really?! Wow haha that's awesome!

    Well i actually live about 15 mins outside of Ipswich, but yeah still relatively close. That's awesome we could be real life buddies if we really wanted too haha
  13. Hey! I live near Ipswich. Lol.
  14. Ahh fair enough then

    I have so many to choose from haha - but at the moment i'm going to say Balthier, mainly because i was playing XII a few days ago xD
  15. Why hello to you

    That pic is from this site. I like her look. She looks so beautiful and wise. I wouldn't say she's my favourite, but I do like her. It's been awhile since I've played FF X so I don't really remember the story.

    Who's your favourite character?
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