Conversation Between The_Dream_Recluse and Michael Swayne

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks man xD
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. I have played the first one and the third one. I still have Ape Escape 3; but unfortunately, I played a borrowed Ape Escape, and that friend has moved away. I think I will start a review for AE3.

    Thanks for the suggestion. Keep them coming!
  4. Sounds good man, i look forward to reading your next one this weekend

    Have you ever played Ape Escape for the PS1? It's a pretty fun game and i think you would like it
  5. Thanks you for the comment, The_Grey_Recluse. I post a new review every Saturday, so watch out for it. If there is a game that you suggest I play, I would love to hear your suggestions. More than likely, I have the game somewhere in my room, or have a friend that has it. I currently can play PlayStation 1 and 2, Nintendo 64 and GameCube, XBox, and GameBoy games.
  6. RavenZecht,

    My name is Michael Swayne, and let me be one of the first people to welcome you to TFF. I am a member of the Social Group called Flock of Noobies. We are a group focused on new members. I am on a recruiting frenzy, and was wondering if you would like to join. I will be sending you an invite, but you can also click on "Community" at the top of the page, then click on "Social Groups", and look for us there. Hope to see you there!

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6