Conversation Between Hero without a Name and Judge Magistrate

79 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey Judge, not much I've become nocturnal officially, I can't sleep in the evenings anymore im wide awake lol. Playing some FFIX for the fun of it. u?
  2. Yo man, how have you been doing? Anything interesting going on?
  3. The joy of growing up .
  4. haha, well I actually did the math wrong im not as bad as i thought i was but im still not rich ah the joy of paying for college lol
  5. Good thing for me is I don't have a credit card or a girlfriend so I can hoard my money. I help my family pay the mortgage, and my car, but other than that I'm doing okay with bills. I told myself I wasn't gonna get a credit card because of the interest rates. I'll only get it for emergencies, if I get one at all. Sorry about you issues, oh, I forgot that I'll have college bills coming in soon uhhhh. Maybe I'm not in as good financial shape as I thought .
  6. Things are good man, it just sucks being an adult, despite all the money I make and I have a pretty good job, with my credit card having a horrible interest rate and my student loans, I'm basically spending all the money I make before I spend it. Thinking about getting a second job, or I just need to pray to the lord for blessing with money.....sorry for my rant, just really wished I had more money so I could treat my girl to a nice spa retreat.
  7. I'm very slow at it though, you'll probably pass me. I try and do everything before I move on.
  8. so u've beaten the same games I have. Well done sir, well done!
  9. Good man, I just swore my blade and power to be ever at Firefly's side. Good job on beating FF8, I had trouble with that one for some reason. I have beaten I,II,XII so I'm three up on you man lol. By the way, your pictures remind me of a very close friend of mine.
  10. Good chief, I just sworn my knighthood to Firefly just like Seifer and Edea. Speaking of which, I finally defeated ff8. It took me 7 hours after defeating Ultima weapon and taking some breaks inbetween but I can officially say I have defeated FF8. Just need to finish I,II,III, IV, VI, and XIII and I will have completed them all
  11. Yo man, how's it going?
  12. I'm cool my man, I've just been chillin. Went back to work, and I'm actually enjoying it again' that's good news for me.
  13. Dang gmomes.....always trying to hide and hit on the elvan girls....oh wait sorry wrong game lol. Anyways how u doing boss?
  14. I say Gnomes, they are the most fun to pick on.
  15. So what do we go after now? Wolves? Dragons? Gnomes?
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