Conversation Between Assassin and Cyanist

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  1. Really you think that? Hmph maybe you're right. My sister also said that they didn't look good together.
    My mom also said that it's a really good movie. And you also think it's a good movie soooooo....... I'll watch it.
    Oh do you know about the movie Pet Cemetery?
  2. And you totally deserve it, G.
    Well, I could be biased, My mother saw the movie first and was repeatedly screaming "June, June, Ju-une!" as I looked on in confused bewilderment.
    Did they look good together? I think both are just a bit too flashy for each other. Diaz's acting seemed over the top to me, but I guess the whole film was meant to be that way, wasn't it? I guess I'd hoped for something serious with such a momentous team-up.
    You should srsly watch Top Gun, yer majesty. It might reflect badly upon your name if you were not brushed up upon fundamental classic Romance/dizzying aerial combat movies.
    I'm stuck watching one of those documentaries again: Alexander the great, ruler of the world. (I can't believe King Phillip was murdered and it may have been connived by his wife and son. Yeek.)
  3. God that is so awesome. I've been awarded as the 'Queen of Romance', every girls dream What? I can't believe you found Tom Cruise's acting "kooky" in Knight and Day. I think he did really good, all the comedy and action was just brilliant. And Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz look really good together. What do you think?
    Top Gun. Ummm I haven't seen the movie but I do know about it because I love it's original soundtrack.
    Well if you would do that then I don't think there is any danger in telling you that I haven't watched the movie If you're talking about the old one, I love it's original soundtrack
  4. Darn right! I am officially awarding you the 'Queen Of Romance' trophy. You should work on your acceptance speech.
    All of those strike me as vaguely mainstream films. Ooogh, I loved 'the other guys' that was soo funny. My favorite part was where Ferrell talks about his Tuna family hunting Wahlberg's lion family. (cracks me up every time) What about you?
    Cruise was acting really kooky in 'Knight and Day' wasn't he? Did you see 'Top Gun', that's kind of a romance...
    What would I DO? nothing. I'll just curse my luck and go gripe about these things to someone who HAS seen it. heheh
  5. Now that I think of it, I really do know about a lot of romantic-comedy movies Maybe because of my sisters coz' they love such kind of movies. When it comes to action, I watch action-comedy like A-team, The Losers, The Other Guy, Knight and Day, Pineapple Express, Kick Ass.
    Okay, ummm lets say I haven't watched the movie. What would you do then?
  6. Hmm, I was never a fan of the show myself, I can't stand that theme song (my brother hums it just to annoy me)
    I must agree. Of course I'm rather new to the romance comedy genre, and I can't expect anyone calling themselves 'LadyWinchester' to watch brawling-guy films. but still... yeah, odd. and I don't know anyone who can rattle off as many Romance comedies as you, either. Srlsly, you should get an award of some kind.
    Lately I've been hunting for Russell Crowe movies. Did you see that Robin Hood one? (please say you have)
  7. He should be coz' that was not fair. When I was watching the trailers of the new season I did see Ashton Kutcher in it but I'm not sure if he actually "replaced" him.
    Platoon... I don't think I've watched that movie.
    It's so weird, we both like movies a lot but we mostly never know about the movies we ask each other about.
  8. Don't get me started! My brother is furious about that. He went around telling everyone before it happened "No one's gonna watch it without Sheen." Which actor replaced him?
    Was it Ashton Kucher? (who knows how that's spelled?)

    Oogh, what about that other one Charlie Sheen starred in, uh... Platoon. He was good in that, too. (Of course, it's more of a 'guy' movie...)
  9. No no I like Charlie Sheen. He's a good actor. And he did a hell of a job in Two and a Half Man. But I still don't get why they killed him in the end. Most of the people watch that show just because of him.
  10. That looks nothing like Vin Diesel (hehehe).
    Whoa! that film looks worthy of my time, I'm extremely interested in the super-power films... I'll get it!
    Anything else?
    I watched Good Advice last night. It's a romance with Charlie Sheen. Are you interested, or is he a tad too weird of an actor for you?
  11. No no I'm not talking about that movie. I was a big fan of vin diesel but not anymore. Chronicles is a new movie. The story is that three guys find a kind of comet and gain powers after touching it. It's an awesome movie. Here's the trailer:
    Chronicle - Official Trailer (2012) [HD] - YouTube
  12. Hahaha, yer joking, right? How on earth could you not know about Robert Redford? (I'll excuse Newman, he's not my fave).
    Chronicles. I can only hope there isn't an "of Riddick" tagged to that T_T...
  13. Ummmmm...... I don't think I know about these people Hey, you should watch Chronicles. God, it's an awesome movie. I watched it last Saturday.
  14. It's a classic. With Robert Redford and Paul Newman.
  15. Nope, I don't think so. What kind of a movie is it?
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