Conversation Between grims sakura and Oneesan

47 Visitor Messages

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  1. Grims Sakura will be away for a while, she has lost her internet for now. She is planning to come back asap though, and misses you all.
  2. That is so true! Mike just got home, so I better go, I'll talk to you when we get back! Bye
  3. Fair enough. Kerry had made friends with the owner of the VG store we were going to in Florida, and he let us do it for free, since it was in great shape except for being a little dusty lol. Gamestop and stores like that are useless for us 'old school' gamers. Anything more ancient than the Wii is obsolete for them . We have yet to find a really good VG place here.
  4. I do, but it would be cheaper just to do the download at this point, I would probably end up having to put $20 towards the trade in, but the download is only $10.
  5. Do you still have a Playstation? You could probably trade it in for one that would work. I was able to trade in my skinny PS2 for an original PS2 so I could play Guitar Hero World Tour. ^^
  6. I did go nuts when I bought a copy from amazon and couldn't play it. The poor thing is just collecting dust!!!
  7. We usually just take the kids to the store, pick up lunch, and go eat at a park when we need to get away and we can afford it. ^^. Oh wow, that's a long time... I would have gone nuts lol.
  8. You definitely need more dates! We usually can't afford it, but even if we just go out for fast food it still gets us out of the house and away from the stress for awhile. I am going to let the download run nonstop, so hopefully it won't take too long. I have waited 11yrs to play it again and I am losing my patience
  9. I wish we were able to do that, that's awesome. We've only been on 2 real dates in the 4 years we've been together, mostly because nobody else is really willing to watch my kids. The first date, we got an in-home daycare, and the second recently) we paid his mom to do it, and we still got hell from her all night >.<. Aw I hope your connection goes faster than that ^^
  10. Aint that the truth! We have a promise to go out every other friday no matter what. I can start downloading 8 when we get home too! I think it will probably take about a week until I can play it though, my connection sucks.
  11. Ooooh yay! ^^ Dates are always fun!
  12. That is bad! I just woke up and my day is good so far, I get to go out with Mike tonight! We are going for chinese food among other fun things
  13. Much better, actually. Last night I had left my phone at his sister's house, and he had to run his brother to the store. By the time he returned, the cat had tried to run off with the bread and had sliced my finger open when I went to spank him. I had tried to text people with an app online, but nobody was responding >.< Anyhow, bad night, better morning. How are you? ^^
  14. Good morning, how's it going?
  15. Morning lady
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 47
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