Conversation Between NikkiLinkle and Rowan

94 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey Nikki, been a while since we had a good chat!
    Hope you're doing well!
  2. Nikkkiiiiiiiiiiii ... 50 character limit on VM? you gotta be kidding me...
  3. Thanks row row! I'm good, just got a pedicure and I'm going to see Total Recall later.

    Hope you're having a good weekend
  4. Saw your new pic in your dress on fb, wow! Looking great Nikki.

    Hope all is well.
  5. I want to rep you but you hardly post these days! lol. So have you seen everything up to season 2 in game of thrones yet?
  6. Happy Birthday Rowan!!!!!!!!
  7. smiles for Rowan!
  8. thanks, miss. It was one of my favorite shirts!
  9. Good to see you have your flanno on in your avatar A stylish looking flanno. Good job.
  10. Sup bro!
  11. Sista
  12. Hello, miss.
    *sad panda face*.

    How are you? Oh, you need to check out my tattoo, i had more work done on it. Search for "new tattoo" thread =D
  13. Haha hi sad panda!!
  14. Why are you sad? Don't be sad, be happy and enjoy life. Enjoy yourself.
  15. Heeey, I'm ok. Feeling a bit emo right now haha. Yeah it is a bit slow, but I personally have nothing to add to the forums at this time. I could be more outgoing, but I can't be bothered. Haha.

    Hope you're doing well
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 94
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