Conversation Between TehSephirothSpirit and Rowan

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Im afriad im being watched by the police here, So if i gave you a VM on why, it would just be another reason for them to add points to name. Best leave it at that. Horrible forum.
  2. BTW What happened with Diamond Dust? Why are you arguing :S
  3. I can, I just don't know where to find COMPLETE saves -_-
  4. you could always download save files, if thats what you mean.
  5. Well... It's not what I dreamed of. My dreams lie higher, in newer Final Fantasy games, but I'm VERY glad that I got this mod. Only I had to play from the beginning, dunno why...
  6. I hope the mod is all you dreamed for + more.

    What other mods do you use? I dont like using Tifa's fixed limit break, feels like im cheating the game.
  7. Ill post it after I finish work today. Laptop is at home. I trust you know who to install the mod
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7