Conversation Between Illusion and Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yes, It Actually Does Get Kinda Hot In Canada During The Summer, And I Don't Like Hot Weather Either. To Answer Your Question, Yeah, I Do Like Samurais, How Did You Guess? LOL
  2. Oh, really? Cool. Does summer get hot over there??? It's a total pain over here, and I really don't like hot weather.

    So, do you like samurais?
  3. No, I'm In And From Canada...LOL Anyway, Thanks Man And Yes...It Does Suck...XD
  4. Do you live in Europe? Over here, school's been out for days now.

    Good luck with getting a job, not having interner sucks.
  5. NOICE!!! Anyway, I'm Just Finishing School. Got About Another Week Left, Then Exams The Week After Then I'm Done. Gonna Try To Volunteer At The Library Next Week So I Can Finish My Hours So I Can Land Myself A Summer Job And Get My Internet Back. Other Than That, Nothing Much...XD
  6. Oh, haha.
    You don't have internet at home?

    Yeah, that last fight with Solidor is a bit long, but it isn't too difficult. I've seen tougher bosses in FF.

    I'm just killing time online right now, and trying to fing out how I can get my hands on a copy of Persona 1 for the psp, and a whole other stuff I need to get done.

  7. Well, I'm Talking About The Main Story Has Like Really Low Content, But, There Is Extra Stuff You Can Unlock, Like New Missions And Stuff. I Do Have Quite A Few Games, But Its All Old Games Pretty Much. What I Have For FF Is: FFVII(PC Version), FFX & X-2(PS2), FFXII, FFI(Emulator), FFII(Emulator), FFV(Emulator), FFVI(Emulator) And I've Played FFXIII(X-BOX 360) But Do Not Own Yet. All My Other Games Are Pretty Different, And I Have A Lot Of Different Games, Which I Cannot Really Remember All Of Them, But Maybe I Can List Them Later. I've Been Alright, Still Wishing I Had My Internet At Home...Oh Well. Sucks That You Got Summer School...XD I Still Haven't Finished FFXII Yet, But I Am At The Last Part, Where You Gotta Beat The Shit Outta Vayne Solidor Like 3 Times Or So...GAWD, That Shit Is Stupid...XD Anyway, What You Up To?
  8. Oh really? That's gotta be one of the shortest FFs out there. I'll give it a try once I'm done working through my current set of games. Do you have alot of games you have not being able to finish or play?

    And I'm alright, thanks. Just started summer school, so it's likely going get bad soon, but for now I"m alright.

    And yourself? How's everything?
  9. Oh, Well, I Like It Cause It Has Cool Videos And Is Somewhat Cool In General. Not My Favourite FF, But Its Not Bad Either. It Didn't Take Me Long To Beat The Game Cause There Isn't Alot Of Content. If You Know What Your Doing, It Should Only Take Like 20 Hours To Beat It. It Only Took Me Like 22 Hours, When I Restarted The Game And Took My Memory Card Out Just To Play For Fun. Anyway, How You Been?
  10. I played DoC just a bit and didn't like the controls. It's a pretty awkward shooter. I'll still try to go back and finish it some day, but I'm not particularly excited about it.
  11. I Beat Dirge of Cerberus 2 Times Already...Hehe Not Really That Long Or Hard.
  12. I have played a whole lot, but I have finished only a ridiculously small number by comparison.

    FFI, FFIV, FFV, FFVI, FFX, FFXII, FFXIII, Dirge of Cerberous, Tactics Advance, Tactics: The War of Lions (PSP), Tactics A2, Crisis Core, and about 5 minutes of FFII. I also have FFX-2, but I have never played it. I have it in mind to finish them all some day.
  13. I've Played To Date: FFVII, FFX & X-2, FFXII, FFXIII(I Do Not Own It Though)

    I've Played A Couple Others, But Not For Long Though, I Got Somewhat Bored Of Them...XD What About You?
  14. It's a small world, or so they say.

    Speaking of games, which ff games have you played???
  15. Maybe, You Never Know...Hehe
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