Conversation Between jeremy1 and Kurt Zisa

5 Visitor Messages

  1. i see you've been posting
  2. ooooooooooooo ok thanks
  3. Not stupid at all my man we've all gotta start somewhere. Its actaully pretty simple. At the bottom of each page in every thread there's a blue box that says 'post reply'. Click on that, then on the next page write out your post, then scroll down the page and click on 'submit post' and your away! Tell me how it goes, if you still have problems or anything give me a shout, ok?
  4. hey this is going to sound stupid but how do u post stuff?
  5. Hiya jeremy! if your still confuzzled about things around here feel free to drop me a vm sometime i'd be more than happy to help.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5