Conversation Between SOLDIER #819 and Taco-Calamitous

100 Visitor Messages

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  1. The Stand is an old book by Stephen King about an apocolyptic world set in 1990 where a virus or some damn thing breaks out, and it's God vs. the Devil. I think. And a room inspection is when your Military Training Leader comes in and looks at your room to see if you're cleaning it like they want you to.
  2. What is The Stand. And what is a room inspection.
  3. Haha. That would be awesome. stuff stuff extra stuff. I checked out The Stand tonight. Also, passed my first room inspection. Did not get all the minimum requirements on my PT test though... my roommate thinks I might be okay anyway though. I dunno. I'll worry when I'm in trouble I guess.
  4. Get your silver overnight pass and then spend the whole time talking to me at the library.
  5. Sheppard Air Force Base is a place. It's in Texas, at Wichita Falls. It was 80 degrees here today... I beat that game twice now. Now I can listen to all the music on demand. Marceline's theme is pretty rockin' (that's her name, right?)

    Good luck with them finals. Wish me luck on my block test. Also, my PT test. Will need.
  6. What is Sheppard AFB. I need details! I don't speak military! Late? What. Also I want AT game. I want to fight the turbo nerd ice janitor.

    I just have finals coming up, along with various projects. End of semester is this worrrstttt. But just two more weeks!
  7. lulz. I'm here at Sheppard AFB, taking classes and struggling to keep my room clean apparently. Tired. Not enough sleep ever time, except weekends, but I have weekend sign ins cuz I was late, so I won't get to sleep in. I will probably relax though. But probably no trips to the library to get online or anything. Btw, I got the Adventure Time video game, and it's pretty friggen' awesome.

    Anything new with you? Only halfway alive, eh?
  8. Sort of! What's up?

    Filler text filler text filler text
  9. Hey, I'm alive still. Are you?
  10. You didn't even play that game, did you?
  11. Sorry sir
  12. Still like death
  13. Do you still feel like death?
  14. Okies. Thankee
  15. I meant the blood that leaked out from two wounds and is currently on the floor, haha. You'll be okay.
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