Conversation Between SOLDIER #819 and nix

15 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy birthday me ol pal! Hope all's well! <3
  2. Thanks guy
  3. Happy Birthday Mr 819!
  4. Because they'd rather do amazing things! Like... nothing!
  5. Why? It's only a bleedin forum like!
  6. I think I'll have some trouble getting them back here, hahaha.
  7. I see, tell them i demand that they get more active round these here parts!

    please of course!
  8. I talk to Korova and Kazanthikus sometimes. Not much else out of EBG though.
  9. Yo Goku! Do you still frequently commune with any from the old crew that aren't active on the forums anymore?
  10. Yeah man, I know what you mean. I want my time back! Thanks much!!
  11. It cannot be your birthday again! Is it?

    Man the years are flying by now

    It better be cause Happy Birthday!!!
  12. Thanks man. Hope you've been well yourself. How's life?
  13. Happy birthday old friend
  14. Thanks Phoenix. How's work treating you?
  15. Happy birthday old friend
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15