Conversation Between seanb and Sheechiibii

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Sorry I took so long to reply, I didn't realise I had any messages and I've been having a hard time at home for the past new months. We still haven't had out summer though, we had a nic day yesterday but nothing great yet. Fingers crossed.

    Versus XIII isn't out yet lol it's the one that's taking forever to make
  2. aw stop the weather is an absolute joke like, its supposed to be summer!
    them floods affecting ya at all?

    oh right, sure I haven't played that one yet.. any good?
  3. Yeah lovely weather we're getting right now. It's not the girl from Resident Evil no, it's Stella from Versus XII

  4. Scotland eh? not too far away from me I'm in Ireland
    btw is that the girl from resident evil in your picture?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4