Conversation Between seanb and aliera

8 Visitor Messages

  1. cool, I love lambs! they're so cute!
  2. ah right hahaha there must be loads of places called Whitmore
    oh yea never thought about insurance!
    Iv'e a couple of lambs here, just sheered them last week now that summeres supposed to be here
  3. no, in Staffordshire! yeah and the shoes are expensive and the care, and the insurance, my mum says I could have a horse, but I just don't have enough time to treat it like it deserves, I have the money and the space, just not the time...
  4. thats probably better then cos you dont have to keep it maintained with shoes and all ... whitmore, in Wexford??
  5. oh I don't own a horse, I go to a riding school at Whitmore, and I usually ride a sweet horse called Shilo. I like goats too LOL! but I don't own one, though I like all animals so it doesn't really matter what it is, I will love it just as much as any other!
  6. oh, I'd actually be scared to ride a horse, I'm more of a gaot person myself though horses are nice to look at, how many do you have or are you in a club?
  7. unfourtunatly yes, and it hurts!
  8. Horse riding, cool
    ever fall off?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8