Conversation Between seanb and NikkiLinkle

80 Visitor Messages

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  1. hey
  2. Aww that's ok. Thanks anyway! I don't need it. Everything is splendid!
  3. I regret to inform you,... that it has been lost in the mist of time ...sorry, but i cleaned up my computer, though I wouldn't need it anymore after I watched it...
    What do ya need it for? everything ok?
  4. Hey Sean! how are you? I just wanted to ask if you still have that video I sent you? I deleted it by accident and I was hoping if you still have it, could you send it to me plz?
  5. I laughed,... hard!!!
  6. I didn't go anywheres. Just been sick. Yeah game of thrones looks good, I'll watch it when I get a chance!
  7. oh yea,
    watch game of thrones .... you'l love it
  8. i was just about to message you sayin 'where the **** did you go??' lol

    so yea, heluu
  9. Yo SEAN!!!!!

  10. I like the dead n***** storage part. So funny.

    Ohhhkay. I am very calm thank you. Haha. All good
  11. pulp fiction is tha BUSINESS

    and 'no' to your pm, calm down
  12. I watched that Pulp Fiction scene, where Marvin gets shot and I laughed so hard. Am I meant to laugh at that or does mean I'm sick?

  13. you can, ive got a cam set up and you can watch me all night long
  14. Sean! I can see you online
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 80
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