Conversation Between seanb and Oneesan

70 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'm great, thanks! How about you?
  2. how are you keeping these days?
  3. You're right, I was Now that I am awake though, it wouldn't suprise me if you were asleep!!
  4. You're probably sleeping now, Ms. Nocturnal
  5. wow, were at 9.00am okey doke, I'll chat later this evening if your on !
  6. 2:47am actually, I sleep during the day Good luck with your essay then, Bye!!
  7. Hi how are you?
    I'm just up, gonna start writing this essay! all pumped. gonna turn of the internet and get workin,

    Should you not be sleeping, isnt it not like 5am over there?
  8. What kid of trouble are you getting into today?
  9. Sleep well, and good luck with that. Talk to you next time
  10. I know.
    Well goodnight, I'm sleep deprived and want to get up early tomorrow and study...(sigh,)
  11. No prob, I am nice like that
  12. aw thanks!
  13. Your help is always appreciated. You bring out the best in me
  14. Your'e welcome, glad to be of help.
  15. I learned from the best.

    Thank you sensei!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 70
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