Conversation Between seanb and Firefly

81 Visitor Messages

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  1. Lol,it was good though I give ya credit lol. Nope? Lol,hbu?
  2. EHHH sorry.. not I had to do it, someone did it to me on facebook, so I suddenly had to do it to other people! haha any crac with you?
  3. Thank you sean,for now officially giving me a night full of nightmares thanks to that mean trick! lol
  4. I volunteer for different things like school or community events like banquets,fund-raisers,buying gifts for the elderly at the nursing home,etc. I really have nothing else to do,so I figured why not help out my community or something,ya know?
    ... I can't study,I have the attention span of a rock..literally. I have to force myself to study by like locking myself in my room and turning off my Ipod,PSP,DS,XBOX,TV,etc etc lol! And I am tired too
  5. sounds good, what volunteer work are you at?
    near enough the same as yourself, busy with trying to get ready to think about studying haha had a long weekend and am tired now
  6. Eh nutin much actually,school and volunteer work is keeping me busy hehe :3 But I am doing ok. How about you?
  7. *looks at tff page thingy* ... *sees your comment* ... *remembers saying you smell good* *wonders why* haha yea I'm sure you smell good lol
    whats the story with ya now anyway how you been?
  8. *Looks at TFF Quiz Thread thingy*...*scrolls down* *sees seanb's post* Aww..I smell the best? Thanks! xD
  9. Santa shouldn't,I do his job every year and finish his cookies and milk for him xD I call it Christmas. I love snow,but I have no idea when if and when it is supposed to snow lol.

    And thats about how everyday goes for me lol!
  10. yea thats normal. sometimes i feel like that. just another day. but aw well. santa is gonna put you on his naughty list,,,, the holidays. hmm, I should call it that, but everyone calls it xmas here regardless of relidgeon snows great, supposed to snow here in a few weeks.
    oh and not much happnin with me, usual... tipping along with everday,...
  11. Eww lol I am..sorta xD For some reason this year,I am not really all that excited for Holidays..they just feel like another day to me : / Is that normal..? :S
  12. Big news. weather is crazy here too. was a feirce storm the other day. felt like i was gonna see a cow fly past any minute, was crazy,... haha looking forward to christmas?
  13. Lol

    Eh not rly. Only news I got is that its frekin cold where I live and I am doing my best to start racking points up on you in the TFF Elimination

    Edit: WBU? :]
  14. you be slippin n' trippin

    havent talked to you in a while, any crazy news in your world ?
  15. Lol, revenge at the cost of my toenails
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 81
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