Conversation Between seanb and Clint

46 Visitor Messages

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  1. I feel you are more qualified to recruit new members, and it would be more appropriate for the headmaster himself to do it. But may I suggest Nikkilinkle for the Prof. of Ape/Marine-Mammal Defense Weaponry position.
    It might also be worth trying to recruit one Michael Swayne, who is another valued individual and may be intrigued by either subject of alchemy or metal fabrication.
  2. I believe you are right,
    I also must admit, the awesomeness that is relentlessly SPEWING from the organization is rather overwhelming. I would say good day to you but I think 'Awesome day' is more fitting

    I will let you know how the device is coming along
  3. Thus making all of us, and the GDEAA, multi-universal. The difference between the GDEAA and any other organization is that we can actually access our tangent selves in tangent universes, and that gives us the advantage over everybody.
  4. My initial idea was to travel to TU's to hide and store secret equipment.

    But you have now opened my eyes to bigger situations. Yes, it is possible and most likely that you and your organization exist in multiple tangent universes. Considering we are now having this conversation, it is possible that in a closely related tangent world the equivalent you and I are also having this very conversation or a similar one. Perhaps their enthusiasm is greater than ours and another Clint Eastwood is on his way or in fact in our world right now and in the process of finding you or other members of the GDEAA.
  5. I like where this is going, but pardon my ignorance, for I'm still a bit unclear. How will using these branches benefit the GDEAA? Are you stating that there could be multiple GDEAA organizations, though slightly different? Are there multiple Clint Eastwoods? Is it possible to form a tangent universe GDEAA organization?
  6. Somewhere down the line, time as we know it split in two, or several pieces, like branches of a tree. So the events that took place, though similar, are different in each branch.
    Without scientifically explaining it to you, a tangent universe is a universe identical to ours but with either minor or drastic differences. We are, and should be unaware of them, but they do exist. That's were I come in. Why not make use of one such universe for the good of the GDEAA?
  7. I'm not entirely sure I know what a tangent universe it. Can you explain that one to me simply in twenty or less easy to understand words?
  8. I believe I can. Let me work on it.
    Might I ask have you considered using a tangent universe for storage space? With my equipment and skill, I can make that a very safe and reliable option. In the long run you could consider culling the entire living population of earth in the TU which would achieve us the largest storage space ever known to mankind.
  9. The name of this top secret device is Vertaflex, and it will change the world. It's a device which will open the door to the solution of limited space and retrofit requirements for package pumping modules. Can you get something like that to travel through time?
  10. I think 3 litres.

    I have begun initial research on constructing such a device. Perhaps you can now brief me on the finer details of its purpose.
  11. You can get me scotch? How much scotch?

    Also, I may have an assignment for you. It deals in your specialty. Time displacement, distortion, and travel. I am working on a devise so sinister that it will melt the hearts of millions. Maybe you can help me complete it.
  12. Hey. Hows the fort holding up? Remember if you need anything, like a scotch or something, I can send some little shit to go fetch you one. Damn good stuff
  13. Why thank you very much. And I am impressed at how much my group has grown and how much praise it is getting. Construction on the physical academy is proceeding forward, as Professor S.H.I.T. has arrived at the location in Guam, so expect an update soon telling all members to relocate.
  14. I have good feelings about this Clint. We are entering a new pod of enlightenment that is about to hatch with undoubtedly sincere awesomeness.

    I'd like to congratulate you on your achievement.
  15. That is quite unique, and something my academy absolutely needs to teach. Very well, Mr. Professor. The job is yours.
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