Conversation Between seanb and Unknown Entity

14 Visitor Messages

  1. Westminster Abbey is beautiful. I've never actually been inside though. St Paul's Cathedral is beautiful too (I've been in there, and went to the top ), but they're not on the same scale. I do like old, gothic architecture. I don't find modern ones as interesting because of the advancements we have now cranes, construction yards, etc... but the Eye is pretty cool.

    No problemo. ^^
  2. Ah wow, I like architecture myself, but I would be particularly interested in in metal constructions, bridges etc. London seems to have plenty of modern examples, even the eye is a feat. I like learning the mechanics of a structure.. I was amaxed by westminister abbey the other day on tv, took for granted how grand/intricate it was ..
    I havent really got chance to relax just yet, exams next week, so i need to knuckle down! on the bright side, the sun is here though, lets hope it stays ,..

    Ah right, thats another thing Iv'e learned today Thanks.
  3. Pretty much so. Both me and mum are. We like architecture mostly, and London has some pretty amazing feats. ^^

    I'm a mod. I think Oceaneyes has a mod symbol too, but she's a super mod. And the admins have a red version with an "A" instead of an "M". ^^
  4. Ah yea? That sounds well interesting... your lucky Id like to be doing that Your into photography?

    Ok, good to know, which leads me to another question (sorry ) , what do the symbols represent on people like yourself, You'd be a mod?, whats a supermod/ other important people?
  5. If you count driving around London in the dark and taking pictures, then yes, madness! How about with you? xD

    You can report it, but it's better to report and and leave a link to their profile on an admin's or super mod's page.
  6. Hi any madness?
    I was wondering about if I have responsibilities as a member to somehow report 'fake' users that seem to be just selling taps and timber and aren't real people, they're popping up all over the shop!
  7. Again, thanks
  8. If you subscribe to a thread, when someone posts in it, the thread will show up in your User CP. As far as I know, you don't get notified from social groups I'm afraid.

    You can earn Gil by doing pretty much everything on here. This link here tells you more than I know off the top of my head. xD
  9. I is now a blacksmith need any horshoes, I've loads spare ....
    Could you also tell us about how gil works I havent a notion ...
  10. Hi there
    see if i start a thread, or comment on a thread, how do you get it so you get a notification? or is it only possible by email?
    and can i do the same for discussions in social groups?
  11. Woo, I love FFVII too. Can't say the same for FFX, but I liked that one too a bit. ^^

    Threads are discussions. Or rather, discussions happen in the threads. As long as you stay on topic in the thread, and don't spam, you won't have any problems. xD

    Why thank you! You've actually reminded me that I need to finish up on two more banners for some members... gaah. I'll have to work on those soon... but thanks again. I use Photoshop Elements, as that's the only program I can use at the moment. I prefer Photoshop CS4... but I'll work with what I have. xD

    I've not gotten an invite yet. =o
  12. Hi! Well I didn't leave that much there really, I think basically that I love VII and X. But after having a donder around your profile, I reckon youl be a great adopter for me, Im findin it hard enough at this yoke, its a bit mad, like is there a difference between discussions and threads? anyway, class banners by the way, you obviously have a knack for that, what sort of program would you use to make them?
    Ive barely managed to make a group I think I'm doing the right thing, so I'l send ye an invite, its based around FF music, somethin that fascinates me
  13. Ohai there. ^^

    Welcome to TFF. I should check out your profile you left in the adoption thread. So, how're you? ^^
  14. Hello Im your new orphan
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14