Conversation Between seanb and HUNK

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you...
    -le gasp-
    Looks like Snake put a few pounds on. Hehehe. xD
  2. Love the new avatar bro

  3. Aww sadface...
  4. Hehe I'l better that, I only know ONE song
  5. Ah ha! Victory for Peter Steele!

    hahaha, a good challenge though, good to know of a fan. (I only listen to like 3 of their songs though...hehe)
  6. True, I surrender
  7. ...The moon is full. (I know all the lyrics, you won't win this. )
  8. Now it's all Hallows Eve
  9. ...The devils mark.
  10. On her milk white neck...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10