Conversation Between Yoko and Dranzer

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. He's definitely one of my favorites. I want him and Daenyrus to end up together and the author takes forever to do anything lol. Great series though.

    Breaking Bad, that's the show about the Chemistry teacher, or something along those lines? The meth lab? I get that show and another one confused sometimes, I haven't watched it yet.

    I've been sick, but I'm recovering well, just slightly congested. Glad to go back to work tomorrow, I hate having nothing to do. && What are you writing? I did some of that myself today, random stuff.
  2. I love John Snow. I've only watched the first few episodes. Interesting show. I'm also watching breaking bad. Lucky for me it's two completely different time periods, so it's it's easy to follow both at the same time.

    I am who I am? I don't like answering the how are you questions. We lost that a long time ago. Now it's just a constant feeling of WHAT THE ****?! In other words I'm writing this evening and my emotions are everywhere.

    How about yourself?
  3. Oh no you didn't!

    Just kidding. <3 How are you this evening?

    Have you discovered a Game of Thrones, too? What do you think?
  4. Why do you have to be so gray? 50 SHADES OF IT?!
  5. LOL mine doesn't, but I dry well first, I <3 my bathrobe.
  6. Very true.
  7. LOL. I've seen them on Facebook, wasn't meant to be a twits reference, but I wouldn't be me if I didn't go too far with something. <3
  8. Too far. I'm not a fan of twitter.
  9. That should be a hash tag: #dranzerisawesome.

    Thank you.
  10. Good! Allow me to continue that trend. You're awesome!
  11. How sweet of you to ask haha; only everyday of my life! :3
  12. Dranzer, Sir. Has anyone mentioned how awesome you are yet?
  13. Silly's my middle name. (not really)

    <3 <3 <3
  14. Hahaha, silly.
  15. I know right? Such a curious coincidence.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 19
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