Conversation Between Yoko and Rhaps

118 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh not bad! I guess. I wouldn't know really. I'm beginning to understand parts of the US due to some of our flights that go to random places.

    I preordered LR btw. I can't wait!!! I want them all right now! They're all paid for, now I just have to wait for them.
  2. I'm like an hour or so from Charlotte actually!
  3. OH!!!! Are you close to Swainsboro? Or Morganton, or Carlotte?
  4. I preordered FFXIV and X/X-2. Not LR yet. I have been instructed to wait on that one. Is there anything else I should pre order while I wait?

    I am well! Well enough to be talking to you on here, anyway. Oo Nothing new. Everything's old. How about you?
  5. also <3 I hope you are as well. Whatt's new?
  6. Did you preorder LR and X/X-2 as well? Because I preordered the **** out of them
  7. Psssst. I hope you're well.
  8. Tell my brain to stop forgetting what I've pre ordered. I might pre order it again.....
  9. I hear frog legs are good this time of year.
  10. It's not aaaaaaaalways bad for me lol I'm sure most people have it worse.
    Jobs are dildoes, so I'm considering just not eating for most of college lol
    I'm studying Biology, and am going to specify into Marine later on
  11. You know what this calls for? Setting Fire to the rain. Try it. You'll love it.

    Seriously though, why do the gods frown on you? Getting jobs through school can be tough, I know first hand. Being a starving student is one thing, being a starving student who is broke is another, both scenarios I know quite well. Don't know how I survived. Procrastination to the Nth degree is key, but more than that kills. Keep your chin up, sir!

    What are you in uni for?
  12. Things are brutal, I've gone through two jobs, got into university, and am currently trying to survive finals week here at the community college. What about you?
  13. I find that hard to believe, although anything is possible. How are things?
  14. MA'AM! I do the same in equal, if not greater quantities.
  15. SIR!!! I think if you often.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 118
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