Conversation Between Superjord and HUNK

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  1. Yeah most PSP's lack on the storyline part but of course MGS won't let down there wow, which time period does it fit in the timeline of MGS?
    Sorry bout late reply btw! Busy month o.O lol
  2. PO and PO+ are great! Storyline is pretty decent (It's not as detailed as the usual mgs epic. But it does have teenage greyfox! )
  3. Ah in MGS3:Subsistance you can actually play those 2 games apparently! Although I don't have it, I only have the original MGS3 >.< on my list of games to buy lol.
    I also need to get P.O, I've seen gameplay footage and it looks so sick!
    (MGS1 was also my personal fave )
  4. Always!
    Just finished some let's plays of Metal Gear and Metal Gear II: Solid Snake. Great games really, despite being so old.
    (Person fave MGS1, but I guess portable ops follows quickly behind it. )
  5. Right on!
    I'm plannin' on a playthrough of them all 1-4, good idea yah?
  6. Lolz, MGS2 right?
  7. "Nothing to report. ?. Is anybody there?" *walks forward into locker room* *cqc neckhold* *guard falls unconscious* Win ^^ wait that's one, shit he has friends T_T'
  8. Yeah, it's really in depth, but since treyarch says so little about it, it's mostly speculation. Still though, facinating...
    Yeah I think I just play with default settings, or whatever my friends have it set to, unless it's inverted, I can't stand that.
    I know what you mean, Raiden doesn't suck that bad anymore, he's okay... Still, it doesn't quite feel right to be Raiden instead of snake. I love the little speach things the guard say when they're about to find you. "What was that noice?" "Whoes footprints are these?" I love the curiosity you can hear in their voice.
    *sigh* Try to remember the advice given to you in EVERY game, "This is a SNEAKING MISSION!!!!!" Try not to get shot by guards... -.-
  9. Wow, I didn't even realise that it had a storyline o.O I might have to check that up or even play through it (not that I own a COD game but I have two flatmates who do haha). Yeah it is a challenge, I usually get around the same level as you haha but I don't know what settings or anything else my friends play on so I don't ask lol.
    Sweet, I wish the tanker level had more to it lol, but once you're used to Raiden he's not so bad to us, in fact it's pretty cool when you go back to it. I can replay the psx MGS original over and over haha easily one of my favourite games ever! Haha I love getting the guards roused and just having a mass shoot off whenever possible, mgs2 was my favourite for that.
  10. No I do play it, I've had to constantly restart my profile but I do play both freedom 2 and 3. (Mostly three, my friend drew bought two copies specifically so I could play whenever I come over for church )
    Have you payed any bit of attention to the Nazi Zombies story? For a mini game this is ridiculously in depth. It explains who created zombies, with what they did that and even each character has a story of their own. The way you find all this out is through various easter eggs hidden througout the game. It's absolutly facinating! Plus, the challenge is there. I mean, I don't ususally get farther then wave 20 and that's on the easiest level...
    Yeah, my MGS focus has been on mgs2 for now. I like it because it reminds me more of the original mgs. The game style, the ridiculous easyness. (Like how you can run through and just cqc throw guards and instantly knock them out)
  11. Haha you're too polite it is a good game, you should give it a go sometime! Don't you just wish you could win a jackpot for doing nothing, ah I prefer how life is in my head *sigh* haha! I don't hate zombies I just get bored very quick XD I find fps's way too simple, so I usually just play the co-op story and then be done haha and nope can't stand halo either! Although with cod and halo I did enjoy the story, just a shame so much is put on the multiplayer side lol. I play some games online, not many. I actually find the hardest setting more of a challenge than people, and it's not like I can celebrate beating someone because it's not as good if they're not here (never use mics so...haha)
    Haha I don't think Snake looks quite as good in it when the mask comes off though XD
  12. Yeah my friends "Demand" that I get monster hunter (Insert ridiculous title here) when it comes out. I try to tell em, "Dude, I'm poor, I can't just go and get new stuff when it comes out!" (FFDD was a freak cowincidence...) Yeah Kain is awesomesauce. He was interesting in the story but I won't spoil nothin'. Yeah I am too, I'm po! Ahhahaha! Why you gota hate the zombies?! You one of them Halo fans that thinks he can't like halo and cod, cause I DO!
    Naa, I'm not cool enough to play online, we're better when stupid people arn't with us so we just play coop, less there's someone we know online.
    Yes, yes he is...til snake kills him anyway. I just like the officers uniform. When I beat Volgin, I actually paused really quick so I could change my uniform.
  13. You never know huh? haha

    Ha, nope I meant I literally got a psp this year due to my friend demanding it! I don't have any of the MGS's on psp but I'll be more inclined to getting one now I've had a personal review and you're on diss012? I'm not on there yet the new chars look sick tho can't wait to play as Kain when I eventually get it haha. I'm a little slack on the latest games these days! I chose the freedom of my own place to being able to buy whatever I games I want haha :\ Gahaha if I didn't hate cod I'd definitely join you but nazi zombies is good and you say that over mic? That's just legendary in itself XD
    and one quick question.. isn't Raikov Volgin's bitch? haha
  14. Well, I'm sure there is someone out there who is alot like me, but no one is exactly like me. I knew someone on TFF who I really wanted to meet in person but she just ended up leaving TFF. Still, I have a feeling this isn't the last time I hear of her, so I've not forgoten her name. (Not to say I put my dating life on hold either though) Hope that answeres your question. Hahaha!

    Which one do you have? Probably Peace Walker right? Portable Ops was the best of the mgs series! (You even get to see a teenage grey fox. ) Yeah I just got back into mh. Drew and I play at church all the time! The new one has Bigboss's Combat suit from Peacewalker as an armor! (I saw a youtube vid of it, totall l33tness) I play FFDD as well! I'm a stud with laguna and Tidus. (Plus I have the aeris assist. Best one ever!) Ocelot is my favorite mgs character ever!!!! *Fanboy faint* Matter of fact, when we're playing Nazi Zombies, I'll get the python to say "Look, I'm reloading during's so much different from simply changing a clip! It's a revolution!" I've also grown a love for Raikov. He's cooler then raiden, I'm just not sure how...
  15. What a pain eh?! Are you the type who believes that the 'one' is out there? I kind of do but not to the extent of there's one person in the world who's 'perfect' for me

    See I've really wanted to crack on the psp titles but I only recently got one like early this year! And to be honest I've just been obsessed with monster hunter and ffdiss and Ocelot is the biggest legend, probably the most underrated video game character I know of! And I noticed, "pretty good" reference
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