Conversation Between IdiotWithHair and Freya

7 Visitor Messages

  1. lol That's awesome. Lucky boyfriend! I bet one day though, something will trigger your memory, and then there will be HELL to pay.
  2. Actually, I'm not forgiving... I'm just forgetting XD
    Really, most of the time when I'm angry at someone I forget the reason after... let's say three days. I argued with my boyfriend a couple of days ago... and I don't remember what the problem was. ^^"""
  3. Well, I am glad you are a forgiving person and can see past people's faults.
  4. Hmm... no. You gotta do more than just your normal posting to be a troll.
    But it's fairly okay if you're not. I won't dislike you just because you're not a troll...
  5. I dunno. Would you say I'm NOT a troll?
  6. I gave up on trolls a while ago, but some still get me frustrated.
    But would you say you're a troll?
  7. ALMOST as fast? ALMOST? Almost isn't good enough. I demand instant gratification! (btw: don't try to reason with a troll, ma'am. It's usually futile.)
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