Conversation Between IdiotWithHair and Clint

13 Visitor Messages

  1. Firstly, I like being self-deprecating. Secondly, I think you might be right; maybe there is no such thing as hair. Maybe hair is something we all made up simultaneously around the world. That is my theory, anyhow.
  2. I don't understand your name. You aren't an idiot with hair, because you aren't an idiot. You're one of the most intelligent people on earth. I'm also quite convinced that hair is imaginary, and that it's all in our heads.
  3. You sir are a SAINT.
  4. Without me, the world would still be grieving for Mr. T. Heroically, I forced myself to lie about lying about his death, because I saw the trauma that the news was causing so many people. So yes, without me, the world would be damned to hell.
  5. Well I am glad that you successfully avoided starving, good sir. Where would the world be without The Clint Eastwood? DAMNED TO HELL.
  6. I ate food after I remembered that I forgot to eat, so hopefully I won't starve to death.
  7. I would say to fear for your life, because you might starve to death unless you eat soon! No lie!
  8. I'm hungry. I forgot to eat today. You're the smartest person on the planet. Tell me, what is my risk of death because of this?
  9. I was thinking about it, and yeah, no one actually used those words, true. I appreciate that you must stick to the plan. Plans are important to be stuck to.
  10. The plan was always to only keep it going until somebody came out and said that Mr. T was alive. I'm surprised it took this long.
  11. You dropped the charade. I'm disappointed.
  12. Good sir, you humble me with your kind words! Especially coming from one I hold in such high regards! May your intestinal track never be plagued by kidney stones!
  13. You are the very definition of heroic and inspiring. You are a true role model, and are the very personification of what everybody across the globe should aspire to be. I thank you for your words of wisdom.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13