Conversation Between Squall8 and FeyLenne13

79 Visitor Messages

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  1. that's awesome!!! lol what shade? like Psylocke purple or more royal rock purple?
  2. oh no! I hope you get to feeling better soon!
  3. ^^ I'm glad you like them.
  4. search it on Youtube, I think you'll love it. Here's the first link: Official Dead Fantasy I(1) In True HD[High Definition - 1280x720p] (By Monty Oum) - YouTube

    It's basically someone made a series of short vids about some of the Final Fantasy/Kingdom hearts characters taking on characters from Dead or Alive. There's five of them. The sixth one is supposed to be released in July. Have you ever heard of a band called Nightwish?
  5. I think I've asked this before but have you watched Dead Fantasy?
  6. fun things I hope
  7. Doing the best I can. Family is driving me insane lol. I love them to death but I'll be happy when they go back to school. How are you doing?
  8. Happy New Year!
  9. Sadly no, I'm stuck looking for the vids on Youtube to know what's going on lol. Happy Holidays to you too. Having a good break?
  10. lol me too Have you played the two Dissidia's?
  11. well, I've always wanted them to redo FFVII because of the massive jump in graphics from vii to viii but I'm kinda sick of them always doing something with vii. VII wasn't the only great final fantasy to hit ps. I wish they would do something with viii or ix. I loved both story lines emensely. lol can you imagine what IX would look like on PS3? How awesome!
  12. I'm with you. Which one?
  13. revamped? How are they going to do that? Its already pretty darn awesome as is. Lol does this mean they are leaving FF7 alone now?
  14. lol that's awesome! Of course I wanna check it out. What was the website again? Nothing much up with me. I'm recovering from making Thanksgiving dinner for my family lol. Did you have a good break?
  15. lol scared little kids? Did you jump out of a tree dressed as a werewolf?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 79
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