Conversation Between motscroises and Michael Swayne

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you for the birthday wish!
  2. I hope you have a very happy birthday!
  3. Great! You can go to the Groups section of my page, and click on the icon for the group. You will have to tell me if there are any problems with joining though. I am still pretty new myself about everything.

    I have fixed the problem. Welcome to Flock of Noobies!
  4. Well, that sounds lovely! I'd be happy to join!
  5. Hello motscroises! My name is Michael, and I have created a Group focused on us new members. I am currently on a recruiting frenzy, you know, getting the word out to prospective members. I was wondering if you would like to join. The Group name is Flock of Noobies.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5