Conversation Between motscroises and GypsyElder

11 Visitor Messages

  1. OMFG Happy SexyTYME Birthday!!! <3 <3
  2. ZOMG I knowww I will try to get on tonight so we can sext <3
  3. <333333333

    NO U! Omgomgomg. I need to chat you so hard.
  4. Ilu <3
  5. <3<3
  6. Imu2! ****in wooorrk :'(
  7. Mellll <3 I miss you!
  8. <3!
  9. Yes. yes you can, but only if I get to impregnate you.
  10. I'm going to have soooo many babies. Maybe I should just be designated earth-populater. Can I have this title?
  11. Zomg kay kay I lub yew <3

    Will you have my babies!?!?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11