Conversation Between Glorious Raven and Rocky

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Nice! You're even offering up sesame chicken, which just so happens to be my favorite.

    Mostly, I play JRPGs. At the moment, I'm on Eternal Sonata and loving it. If you get the chance, finish up ToV, though its story gets significantly weaker as it goes on. It's the characters and battle system that make that game.
  2. hahaha, no worries, I'm a generous person! Besides I'm trying to watch my figure, I don't need all of this sesame chicken to myself.

    So what other games do you play? I ~love~ ToV so far, but I have yet to beat it (I think I'm about halfway through though? I just got to the colliseum town or something, it's been awhile since I've played.).
  3. Hey, if you've got leftover Chinese food, then I'll be whatever you want! Nah, not anything. I'll have to get back to you on that one.

    So, sure, I'll be friends with you since you like Vesperia.
  4. hey thanks I drew it all by myself.

    Actually I didnt, I just said that so you would think I'm cool. lol do you wanna be my friend? I have leftover chinese food if you're interested!
  5. Oh, don't worry, Judy's one of my faves as well. The truth is that I love all of the playables in Vesperia.

    Nice pic of Judy, too!
  6. Raven is alright but Judith is nr1 in Vesperia!!

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6