Conversation Between CrazedMonkey and Firefly

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. True,true. Well Asami's dad is still alive(my brain has literally had a fart and I can't think of his name),perhaps they may make him a villain since he hates benders so much?
  2. It does make one wonder what they have planned for season 2. Then again, Korra only just awakened to her airbending and spiritual side. Probably gonna be somethin about mastering those. Can't help but wonder who the villian'll be though. Amon and Tarlock are dead, at least I sincerely doubt they lived through that, so now they'll have to bring in someone else.
  3. Oh my mistake. Ikr? The season finale was actually good,too,(in my opinion). But it felt more like a series finale than a season finale.
  4. Actually Meelo took down 6 Equalists. And Jinora just out and bitch slapped Lieutenant. Maybe they should've just sent the kids to fight Amon. I am happy that all the "Asami's Evil" theories proved wrong. She turned out to be pretty kick ass.
  5. I completely agree. I loved it when Tenzin's kids started to fight back too,like when Meelo(thats his name right? ha) started taking down I think 4 Equalists #totalbossmoment. I am pumped for the season finale tomorrow,and hoping that the Korra and Amon fight goes well
  6. Yeah, it's a shame what happened to Lin. Still, at least she went down like a boss right? I gotta appreciate that they gave this series such a darker tone. It fits with the idealogical war thing.
  7. Ikr. I feel so bad for Lin. But at least she lost her bending in an honorable way,ya know.
  8. Sorry for the late reply, but yeah I saw it. Gotta admit I always had a bad feeling about Tarlock, I'm actually glad Amon put him in his place.
  9. Oh my gosh,did you see the new episode? It's left me so angry! Tarlock is nothing but a sneaky,no good rat!
  10. I'm not sure, but that's a good guess. I kinda want to see who elses kids will make an appearance. Maybe we'll see the new Fire Lord, or Lady or whatever she's called.
  11. Yeah. On the Republic City Tour Game on Nickelodeon,it says he is like 87(i think) and is no longer the Fire Lord,that he gave it up to his daughter. It also said that is like a diplomat or something? So,I guess the only ones still left are Zuko and Katara since Toph,Sokka,and Aang were in Korra's 'visions'?
  12. Well, there's a good chance Zuko will make an appearance at least. I guess he's still alive and kickin.
  13. She did remind me of Lust. Yeah,Korra needs at least one girl friend.

    ....Talking about and watching The Legend of Korra makes me miss Aang and the gang bad .. :'(
  14. You're not crazy, Aang was definitely fighting someone. As for Asami, like I said, she sets off my warning lights. To be perfectly fair though, her design was based off of Lust from Full Metal Alchemist, so that might have something to do with the sinister vibe she gives off. Idk, part of me hopes she doesn't turn out to be evil. I'd like Korra to have at least one girl friend her age.
  15. I have no idea,but the vision of Aang looked like..he was in battle of some sorts?(or is that just my crazy mind? ) But when I first saw Asami,for some reason,I thought,'hey..she looks sinister. Is she one of Amon's baddies?' ...I have a bad feeling that Mako is in trouble being with her.. :/
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