Conversation Between Rowan and seanb

71 Visitor Messages

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  1. Same here. Its about 5 years on and off. I also played piano and learnt a lot about music using the piano. My old teacher in high school taugh us intervals and chords using a keyboard. I started off learning guitar by playing smashing pumpkins and red hot chili peppers songs by tab. Really good times.
  2. haha (:
    nice one, a fellow guitarist. I'v been playing about 5-6 years, and I did about a year of piano playing but haven't really kept that up.. but I'm in the middle of a course, studying classical guitar. which is new to me, because I was mainly electric before..
  3. That I can do, but refilling the air in my mouth whilst exhaling is proving difficult. Ill stick to my guitar, haha. Do you play an instrument?
  4. Ah yea haha the vuvuzuela or whatever it is... a very annoying 'instrument' yea I'm sure it was the inspiration for it along with the renaissance trumpet which is the same shape..
    That's what I thought too but the airflow isn't divided apparently, you just trap a load of air in your mouth and squeeze it out with your cheeks while you inhale through your nose...
  5. Seems to me like it could have been the inspiration for the vivizuela (cant spell it, its the soccer horn) I've heard about exhaling through the mouth and inhaling through the nose at the same time, I just wasn't sure it was possible since we only have one esophegus. That would mean the air flow would have to be divided, wouldn't it?
  6. cool, I just wrote 800 words on the shawm, a double reed wood wind instrument that was most likely developed in the middle east around the 9th century. It later became an important instrument in the middle ages and renaissance as an outdoor instrument because it was so loud. Its tone is piercing and deafening if up close. It is the ancestor of the modern oboe, and was made in a variety of sizes as time went on. The technique of playing it is the same technique as glass blowers use to exert a continuous breath, so while they blow the air from their puffed out cheeks they inhale through their nose at the same time... I tried doing it there and it's HARD lol .... anyway the shawm looks like this
  7. ahh, cool! If you have time maybe you can share with me some interseting stuff you've learned. I like learning about random things here and there. No doubt focusing on any subject for extended periods of time can make it seem bland, but hang in there.
  8. It's Medieval and Renaissance music history. Interesting stuff, but can get boring fast.
  9. pretty good thankss. What ssignments are you studying for? Maybe I can help
  10. sup bra hows it flowin?
    im pretty busy with assignments and studyin' ..yuck
  11. Whats been happening seanb?
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