Conversation Between Rowan and seanb

71 Visitor Messages

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  1. haha some serious shit went down back when we were most active! gossip everywhere ya looked

    yea im enjoying the cardio, I reckon it will help the weight lifting because before, i'd be 2-3 sets in and gasping for air which was a real pain in the hole

    I know my nails have been grown for the past 3 years, have to have them for classical playing in college, but i wont be needing them after this last exam! they dont hurt often but definitely get in the way,... and they arent the most attractive looking haha

    watching got with the woman, so i cant rush ahead and watch the rest of season 3 yet! aghh
    but il finish it soon. In the meantime im well and truly addicted to breaking bad, started season 4 of it today,... you watch it too dont ya?
  2. Yeah, theres a few little shenanigans here and there, but nothing as explosive as when we first joined.
    Running is a great way to develop your cardiovascular fitness, imo. With cardio, you'll find that most people react differently to different exercises, and its all about what works best for you.
    You grow your nails to fingerpluck? doesnt that hurt? haha.

    aye what are you upto in GoT? stay away from the thread, because there are spoilers everywhere if you havn't seen all of season 3.
  3. Yea i'l try creep my way back into it
    miss the ppl and the shenanigans, haha

    deadly. good to hear. been doing some running the past week or two, trying to lose a bit of fat and get my cardio up. gonna mix it in with the weights. and hopefully start boxing in september, because i have to keep my fingernails till august when il have my last classical guitar exam!
  4. You'll get used to it. If you spend some time using it it becomes familiar very quickly.
    Would be good if you started posting again, makes my presence here feel more validated.
    Not much is happening really, same old same old. Still studying fitness and still busting out in the gym.
    Now its winter, these are the times that I need to train my hardest, harder than I've ever trained before.
  5. well
    wierd, i just got bored and started looking round here the past 2 days
    havent built up the motivation to start posting again.
    ever since tff changed the layout it just feels all meh
    I dont like change its unsettling

    hah anyway whats tthe crack boi?
  7. SeanB! Do you play saints row 3 by any chance?
  8. Yeah I know, march 29th is the supposed airing date of season 3. I, cant wait!
  9. yep finished watchin it a couple of weeks ago, love it. must get the dvds of season one now,
    april 2013 better hurry up ta fyuck
  10. hey bud, you watching season 2 game of thrones? I think last you told me was that you were really getting into it.
  11. It's unreal, Im usually skeptic about tv dramas and series' but this ones pure quality. Gonna get that 1st season on dvd
    as you can see im kinda fanboying it already lol

    cool, might check breaking bad out too, when I get through the rest of these episodes

    no news/updates on your guitar and home recording gear?
  12. You talking about game of thrones, man?
    Its amazing. I've watched both seasons over again a few times. I made my parents and family watch it as well. They love it so far, we are all anxiously awaiting season 3. In the meantime, I've started a new series called "breaking bad". Its also amazing.
  13. on episode 8/9 now of the 1st season

    my god its the best ****ing show ever im hooked!!
  14. Rockin'.
  15. cool, yea thanks I actually forgot bout that group cos theres no notification for it like, class idea though makin it
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