Conversation Between Rowan and Pete

20 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks but no thanks man. I don't swing that way.
  2. Yeah, the instant shift to the black screen does give way to a lot of different theories. If you want to go the other way, there is endless symbolism to say that he died, even going as far as incorporating titles of episodes with events.

    It's something like "Tony gets shot in an episode called Members Only, and there's a guy wearing a Members Only jacket, so clearly it's a sign he's gonna die"
  3. I just saw them...

  4. oh they're a little more like ( o )( o )
  5. I have to wait a few more hours before I can give thanks out, which I intend to do since this information is going to be thouroughly investigated... thouroughly.... thougrhtoug... ghoutweruihg.....gheri0wgerh4pegt....

Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 20 of 20
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