Conversation Between Kurt Zisa and XXII

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Ah yea, I feel you man. Summer is gonna end soon, so... I won't have much time to log in here. School sure is a pain, huh?
  2. Haha that's no problem, I don't really have the time to get into RPing at the moment, what with work and uni. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy reading it though lol.
  3. Ah sorry. Thought you're into RP-ing as well...

    Yep! Will do! Though I don't think I'll post outside the RP forum... XD
  4. I'm not much of an Rper, but I'd be more than happy to read what you've written.

    Yeah we're a nice bunch overall. Once you start hanging around and posting for a bit you should make friends in no time
  5. Hey man.
    I like it here. Everyone's nicer than I thought.. XD
    Oh yeah, I'm currently working on a crossover RP. It's still just a rough draft, but would you mind checking that out once i post it on the RP forum? (If you're interested XD)
  6. Hey XXII, I just thought i'd drop by and see how you're finding the forums
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6