Conversation Between Kurt Zisa and lady ashe

14 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey this is kinda random but I noticed you've been a member here for around a year, so congrats I guess. Welcomes to the club.
  2. No problem. You been doing alright?
  3. Haha thanks
  4. welcome back
  5. same here... after my exams ill get my ps2 back so after i buy 358 2 days then ill get KHII again. i miss playing kingdom hearts.
  6. Haha thats good then. I tend to talk a lot about games that i like and dont really think that i might be giving stuff away. If you've only played up to Port Royal i definately reccomend getting another copy of the game somehow. Even if you know whats going to happen its still fun to play. I knew most of the spoilers in regard to KHII before i got hold of it but there's still alot you'll find out yourself while playing.
  7. no, i was stuck at pirates of the caribbean when my game was taken away. but forget t, your not spoiling it, my brother already has, so no need to worry. u arent giving all of it away
  8. They make peace which sorta makes for a happy ending i wonder if he'll still be a central character in KHIII although now that i think about it he stopped being a seperate entity when he merged with Sora so maybe not. Um have you played KHII all the way cos i feel like i may be giving away major spoilers if you havent.
  9. i know!!!!! hes in the ending of KH2 you know. he asked Sora "why you?"
  10. yeah i gotta go for Roxas. i just like him as an overall character, its a shame you only get to play as him in the intro of II and in Days. Not to mention i feel sorry for the guy what with only being alive for a year.
  11. Roxas, i loved him before i started playiing kingdom hearts.
    and you?
  12. Sora or Roxas
  13. seems so
  14. it seems we have one or two views in common with a certain videogame series
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14