Conversation Between Kurt Zisa and Alpha

40 Visitor Messages

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  1. Kore rawa e rawaka te reo katahi (one language is never enough... est-ce que vous voulez me le dire en français aussi ? )

    Umm yeah things are okay. I feel like I'm at work more than uni these days, because I find work more stimulating and free. It kinda sucks doing the dregs of a degree... I have more than enough points to have graduated, just not the right core papers. Studylink's a bitch for me too. For some reason they put in two offers to pay for my fees, and then I had to do some hoop jumping with Vic to sort out Studylink's mistake. Books are expensive too, good luck with that.

    How are your new courses looking?
  2. Inainai!
    I figured i'd learn some phrases with it being Maori Language Week coming up. This one's fun to shout at random intervals, even if my spelling's a little off.

    How've you been going with uni? Im struggling with Studylink again, I can never remember my Passphrase and I need money for course books by Thursday
  3. Hey man. Really busy at the moment, but I'm doing pretty well. I have an essay due next Friday that I started on the weekend, but I think I've misinterpreted it. I have two French tests on Tuesday, one a listening comprehension one, and the other a five minute conversation. I only have one exam though, which is a huge lifesaver, as is Queen's Birthday on Monday.

    How're you finding it?
  4. Hey Alpha, how's uni going?
  5. Get your letters by email; they take long enough as is.

    Yeah, I'm not taking enough papers (because I'm only taking what I need to finish) to get living costs. But by picking up papers that I don't need, I'm just getting a bigger loan for my course fees. But it's the only way to get living costs. Such a ridiculous situation.
  6. I just checked on the StudyLink site and everything so far seems to be in order. My contract's been returned so now I think they're just waiting on the uni to contact them with my study deatails. I hoping to get a reply soon as possible but with it being a long weekend I might not get anything untill Tuesday if i'm lucky.

    I've been having some difficulties in regards to communication and with having to resend a lot of paperwork but it's nothing like the trouble you've been having. Are they really making you increase your debts? That just seems like a lose-lose situation, I don't see how you could benifit from it.
  7. Well I work mainly with other students. Given it's summer, they're all climbing over each other to get extra hours. They're happy and I'm happy.

    Have you sorted out StudyLink? I'm having difficulty with them this year. I need Student Living Costs, but in order to get them you need to be full time or be approved as 'limited full time'. Technically, I should be limited full time because I'm only taking a few papers in order to finish my degree. But they're ****ing me around so much, I might just pick up some French of 100-level Computer Science papers in order to qualify. I ****ing hate this organisation; they're making me increase my (course fees) debt in order to increase my (living cost) debt.
  8. You must work with some pretty awesome people if they cover for you lol. I was always getting double shifts in the kindie where I cleaned because the other cleaner's mum owned the place so she could get away with whatever she wanted to. Then again it was just a kindie, so the work wasn't too strenous. All I did was sweep.

    I'm just sending off the last of my application now, I'm going to Tauraunga tomorrow with my girlfriend, so it's better if it's all sorted before I go. There's been quite a few mix ups along the way, they wanted to put me in a philosophy and psychology class which I know would end up horribly, so It's a good feeling to have everything finally completed.
  9. Yeah it is; I work full time (40 hours) at the moment, and they'll probably bring me in part time throughout the year. I'm not complaining -- it pays a lot better than a supermarket, which technically I'm still employed at (I just get other people to work all of my shifts).

    BCM sounds cool. Work hard! B's get degrees, but everyone gets a degree these days.
  10. That sounds like quite an interesting topic to research, especially if something good will come out of it. It must be quite a large workload, how long are you working on it?

    I'm going for my Bachelor of Computing and Mathmatical Sciences, I think i'll just stick to calling it BCM, It's quite a popular course so I'm glad I got into it. I like the idea of creating something that other people can put to use and benifit from, so It seems like the right one for me. Yeah, i'm sorry, there was no way I could not make it sound like I'm in an interview.
  11. I've got a friend starting the second-year film programme this year.

    I'm working for these guys actually. It's hard to explain, but we're developing a transport model to determine the influence of commuter distance, time, and cost on residential choice (where you and your family choose to live) and the number of cars you own. The Ministry of Transport is interested in our research, which is how I earn money. University can open many doors if you work at it, and choose the right things. But make sure that whatever you do, you enjoy -- or else you won't be any good at it, and will end up with a boring job.

    EDIT: I think I just realised that I'm an adult. Crap.
  12. Oh that's cool, thanks. I've got a couple of friends going down to Vicotria to a film-related course, the actual name escapes me, but from what I've heard it's a really nice uni. What are you researching in your role, if you don't mind me asking?
  13. Yeah, I'm in my fourth year at Victoria this year, and I work in a research role there at the moment. I don't know anything at all about Waikato, but I can answer everything about Studylink and stuff.
  14. My thanks, Kiwi#1! Does that make me Kiwi#2? I don't any others here so I could live with that.

    Would I be right in sayng that you're at uni? It's just that I'm off to Waikato this year and it would be good to talk with someone who's had some experience with those kind of things. Plus I've made a pretty pisspoor effort when it comes to talking to you so it would be good to start over.
  15. Happy the birth, Kiwi!

    Edit: 18? Go drink, nao!
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