Conversation Between Kurt Zisa and ZantetsukeN

5 Visitor Messages

  1. No problem man, glad I could help
    I do play Tekken a lot, especially the good old days of Tekken 3 haha
  2. Crap i'm never any good at responding on time but thanks for the info. I saw how many Mk's were on PS2 and that a few weren't too great so what you've done is awesome. You play much Tekken, while we're on the subject?
  3. Armageddon is a decent place to start. I found it to be the best out of the PS2 era. I thought MK didn't have the 3D plain down until Armageddon came out, but they pulled it off pretty well. The other two (Deadly Alliance and Deception) were good games, and you may want to try those down the line sometime. Only thing is, from MK4 (which is not very good at all) up until Armageddon is very different from the classic MK, and even the new one. I would definitely recommend Armageddon as a starting point though.
  4. This is probably the first time I've ever spoken to you but I've heard that you know your stuff when it comes to Mortal Kombat. Would you recommend getting Armageddon on PS2? I want to get into this series but I really don't know where to begin. Any advice will be much appreciated.
  5. Hey have a great Birthday!
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