Conversation Between the_savior21 and che

3 Visitor Messages

  1. i put another one up there for you to take a look at. I cant wait to see your opinion on this one.
  2. sorry i actually dont use skype or msn. The fact of the matter is this and other various forums are the only thing on the internet im part of. I deactivated my facebook last year the reason i stay apart of these forums is because i dont know any of you and everything thats said is completely unbiased or at least should be. Its hard to have progressive conversation with biased parties. So i must respectfully decline although feel free to PM me, comment on my things and if you ever want somethin discussed ill put it in my blog aside from that idk what else to tell ya. (btw sometimes a man gets tired and his punctuation falters because of that.)
  3. Hey. I'm spiderman. You called? Send me your skype info. Or MSN. Let's HANG out!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3