Conversation Between the_savior21 and Firefly

15 Visitor Messages

  1. Nice . And np,I have been away myself. I have been stressing out for the past two days (over end-of-course exams)and the headaches that come with the stress have been kicking my butt
  2. yea i know me and my best friend had a competition against 2 other guys we beat them by almost 45 minutes. btw sorry i havent replied in awhile iv been away from the net :/
  3. Thats actually not bad ya know.
  4. no no not quite lol we got like 600th out of 2000 people i think so we didnt do terrible what defiantly could have done better
  5. Thats cool :3 Did you win the race? Hehe
  6. pretty good im kinda beat up right now though yesterday i had a pretty intense race that i took part it
  7. Eh I'm doing good,been reading alot lately. :3 How about yourself?
  8. i havent talked to you in awhile hows the brightest firefly i know been doing?
  9. Hey im glad everything is better now but still if u ever need anything just ask
  10. That makes me sad for u... well im here for you if u need me just pm me if you need me for anything. Id love to help u out if i can. If u need anything just ask
  11. I'm..not so good. I'm in a bunch of drama right now and it sucks :[
  12. im pretty decent i must say how about yourself?
  13. how are you?
  14. Ur welcome lol no problem at all actually
  15. Thanks for the friend request :3
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15