Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Ashura

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hehe, of course. And you remember mine! =D
    ...Or did you just go through your old visitor messages. >.>
    Anyhow, I'm great, just sitting around being a rock. u.u
  2. Oh, you remember my name! I love you! xD

    I'm great, Brian! What about you? =D
  3. MOO, I'm a puma! How're you Kyle?! =D
  4. No, sadly. I don't have the necromancer job. I'm actually stuck in the Sealed Temple against that Grand Aevis. Too tough for me to beat! xO
  5. I know, me too! =D Oh, I own all the games except Final Fantasy XI... ='( I ask because I wanted to see if you got the Necromancer class.
  6. Haha, yes I'm very exposed o-o. Of course! I own every FF, silly! <3 Why do you ask?
  7. Oh, I think because sensors have got lazier or kids are more exposed to it now! I like you! <3 xD Yeah, I use Photoshop!

    Have you ever play Final Fantasy 5?
  8. Heh, I wonder why, Paine said "Kick it's ass," in X-2 and they didn't block it, haha. Along with a couple damns in X. Oooh, I like your banner! Yeah the avy is pretty cool too. I actually use Gimp to edit, you use Photoshop right?
  9. Yeah! Shame that the swear words are blocked out! xD
    Yeah, I made my banner but Fate gave me the avatar. I try my best! =D
  10. Haha, yeah, he curses in every sentence o-o.
    And thanks! I wouldn't consider it my best work though, heh. Do you edit like Fate?
  11. Raps in the FF's? Well, Barret was a typical OG so does he count? xD

    Oh, love your avatar and banner! <3
  12. I actually liked IX too, the same reasons as you do pretty much. And yeah I love rock too, rap is pretty okay-ish I guess xDD. Was there any rap in any of the FF's? ._.
  13. Yeah, same here. I just can't stand rap all too well either... I love Alternative Rock though! =D My favourite is Final Fantasy IX because of the story and the gameplay and some of the humour, too! I would rate VI or V with the best storyline though.
  14. Oh, sweet! Haha funny, I basically like all types, I kind of connect to them all. Country not really though o-o. As for my favorite FF would be...VI! I loved the story for some reason. And I love question, so I don't mind xD What's your favorite FF?
  15. Nice to meet cha, too! Brian reminds me of my brother so I'll call you that! ^_~ So, what music are you into? What's you favourite Final Fantasy? Why am I asking all these questions? xD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 21
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