=S (I like the faces, just sometimes theres too many -__-') Heh, I'm going to start my fourth year of high school next year... aren't we the same age or something? I honestly don't remember, lol. Actually, we have it harder than some other places, because our pass is 60%, and I know there are other places with a pass of only 50% -__-' Yesh, big words make Padraic smart too! =P. CORRECTION (lol, sounds too much like objection =P) He's as slow as a toaster, cuz those things can be quite slow! (I MEAN VERY GRAH!)
=D (See? Keep at it if you don't like the faces! =) ) Oh, yeah! Are you still in High School or are you in college or something? (What's creepy?) Oh, doesn't it? That sounds harder than ours because an A* is around 95% or something. xD It'll just seem like more chance of failing... I like using big words because people think I'm older than I actually am! xD Correction again! He is VERY, VERY slow at things! xD Hahaha! (I do more than you do! xD)
=P (it works wuite well! =D) Oh, that makes sense, so I take since its "secondary education" that you are in high school? (that IS creepy lol) Our marking system doesn't use "A"s and stuff, we go by percentage but I get what you're saying. I like big words, they make me sound quite sophisticated =P Correction Fate is VERY slow at things =P He shows it off to me quite often aswell =P (See there are a lot of faces...)
=3 (A good way to do that is to replace all the colons with equals signs. It really help you out! =D) It's fine. You don't get them over there but it's basically a test. It's called a General Certificate of Secondary Education and it allows employers to see how skilled you are in the subject you took it for. Like if you got an "A*" in English, that would go on your CV, get it? It's a final exam for a subject. I know, I use big words sometimes but I'm mostly thick. xD Fate is particularly slow at things and I've seen it too many times! Haha! xD
XD ( Yeah, I'm trying to stop making the little pictures appear... =B) Whats a GCSE? Sorry, I can have a slow comprehension rate at times ( I also sometimes use big words =D I'M LEARNING =D) but I can say its faster than Fate's, although he'll probably try to disagree =P
Yeah, you're right! =D (It's fine! I used to do it all the time before I started using the "=" in my happy faces! xD) Yeah, but when I get back to school, I have 1 GCSE to take and 3 tests! x(
Aren't we all procrastinators at heart (sorry I tend to use emoticons a lot... more by habit than by meaning... I almost put a face there...) You have a week off? LUCKY! I have one day left of classes then 4 exams, and then summer is mine!
Haha! That's fine. You didn't sound creepy at all. I'm just a bad procrastinator as well as a bad schedule and bad memory! xD I know you're not. You make perfect sense to be perfectly honest! I'm doing great. I have a week off so I'm getting as much talking and gaming in as possible! What's happening with you?
lol, I thought that maybe I just sounded really creepy... and I don't blame you, everyone has their faults... not trying to sound mean or anything... I'm good, how about you?
Oh, you know! I'm really bad at keeping my eye on VM's! xD I've not been avoiding you or anything. Ask Fate how bad I am at it! =D Anyhoo, how're you?
oh, by password I meant WEP, and like that... I just realized I sounded like an internet predator
I already beat him XD Also for your Wi-Fi, what password does it have, cuz that affects the DS connection
Awesome! Blue is pretty easy seeing as he doesn't have a specific type meaning variety is a good thing! =3 I have Wi-Fi but the Nintendo DS doesn't except my Virgin Wi-Fi connection... =/ But, the weird thing is that my Wii does. Nintendo is bullying me! xD Well, I got my Bagon and I don't know why I said Gible was in Emerald! =D I was tired. But, yeah, got all of them now! Thanks anyway! (My friend made me some babies. =3)
I'm just beating Misty, already beat Blaine and Brock. All thats left is Blue, The E4 and Red. All my pokemon are level 55 now! YES! Do you have Wi-Fi? If so I can just give you a bagon and Gible (You can't get Gible in Emerald btw)
Of course he is but that doesn't excuse the fact that he is hard as Hell. Yeah, I forgot about Kingdra and Salamence! Bagon and Gible are so hard to get! I can't be bothered making another save on Emerald to get them. (Someone deleted my previous save. =( ) Yeah, I'll make sure someone has Flamethrower or Fire Blast. I absolutely love the move Shadow Ball though! It's help me out since the beggining! Keep me up to date on where you are! Maybe I can help! =3