Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and Clint

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah, I saw that part of the movie. It's crushed in Bane's hands. Maybe it's like Heath Ledger's uncontrollable lip smacking that he had in the Dark Knight in which he can't control it anymore. Just because I didn't like the voice, doesn't mean other people don't have to. =)
  2. It was criticized as well in the Dark Knight. I like the voice. I think it's intimidating. The voice is digitally touched to make it sound deeper, which has been explained as part of the Batman cowl's technology, which I now don't fully understand since in earlier scenes in Rises, he uses the same unaltered Batman voice that he used in Batman Begins.
  3. It's just the voice in which he has to say the line. It has the potential to be an amazing quote in the movie and because he puts on that stupid voice of his, it had me laughing like crazy.

    I really enjoyed the film but, yeah, I think his voice has been criticised enough already.
  4. Tell me where the trigger is, and then, you have my permission to die.

    Seriously, how is that not bad ass? Why criticize something that's completely awesome?
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