Conversation Between Leon and Andromeda

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  1. It's just that I feel useless every time I'm moved away from my particular area (I stock the shelves at a supermarket overnight). I couldn't go home until I got everything done. I didn't get done within the allotted time so they were upset about it even though I don't normally work on groceries. I told them I had things to do but they couldn't have it. So I stayed anyway.

    It sounds like I exaggerated on my last message so sorry if I worried you.
  2. What happened? It seems rather sudden. And you'll find someone.
  3. I nearly lost hope for the future last night at work. It was just so awful I nearly cried. Then I calmed down and remembered it's always darkest before dawn.

    If I ever do find anyone who can help me get through this, I hope they are as awesome as you have been. I can't thank you enough.
  4. It is the unfortunate reality of the world. Not everyone will have someone, but I remain on the optimistic side of things.
  5. Perhaps, but there are probably people out there who are going through worse and may not have anyone. If I let things get to me I could be one of them.
  6. There'd probably be someone else. Things find a way to work out.
  7. I'm glad for the times you've helped me out. Not sure what I would be doing if it weren't for you. Thank you.
  8. I guess that'll be something to work on for yourself. Something to keep working on improving.
  9. There's the problem. There are time I don't even want to get up x_x
  10. Motivation is certainly a difficult to thing to have at times. But you should do something else just to be active and productive.
  11. Would you believe me if I told you that I haven't touched it in a while? I haven;t been really motivated to do anything lately, except getting up for work and playing my DS which is always close by.
  12. Well take things as you can. The game will still be there. So you don't have to worry about it.
  13. Pretty much. Most of the time I have to decide to either do this or that, because once I'm wrapped into something it's hard to get out of it.
  14. Got to prioritize things then. ;p But you are pretty close to finishing WKC2. But also the hardest part as well.
  15. The only other problem is that other games take up my time. As excited as I am for WKC2, it's my DS games that usually win my attention >_>'
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