Conversation Between Leon and SeleneHime

56 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hiya! XD, seems like I once again fell into inactivity. ^_^"
  2. Been playing Yu-Gi-Oh! cards online. hehe

    Happy (belated) Birthday!
  3. What are you up to?
  4. *hugs back*
  5. Hehe, thanks! *huggle.*
  6. Good luck!
  7. All right. I'll see what comes up for the potential RP, then.
  8. I'm at my limit at the moment. No ideas right now.
  9. *Nods.* So, what would you like to include in said RP?
  10. I know. Just throwing that out there.
  11. Well, I suppose that is true. Just isn't the same as actually playing it, as I'm sure you understand.
  12. You could always look it up in the FF Wiki. It holds just about every entry ever known from FF games.
  13. Oh, okay. The Ochu reminds me of this one monster from Tales of Phantasia, but I don't know the name of it. But whatever it is, it gives out fantastic gald and exp.
  14. Ochu, sorry.
  15. The Zaghnol is an enormous warthog-like monster that appears in FFIX. It's one of those monsters that are tough to beat for beginners, but eventually a pro can beat it quite easily.

    The Ochi is a giant plant-like monster. The body is shaped kinda like a triangle, but has vines for whipping its enemies.
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